Professional Development Symposium

The 2024 PDS was held on Tuesday, April 16, from 7:30-8:30 pm (EST) as a Zoom event. The topic was "Accommodating Physicians with Disabilities to Serve a Diverse Patient Population," with guest speaker Zoie C. Sheets, MD, MPH, currently a resident in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at University of Chicago Medicine. The PDS was hosted by Tripti Nagar, MD, the President of the 2023-24 Resident Council.

Here's a recording of this event.

Here's Dr. Sheets' PPTs.

The 2025 Professional Development Symposium will be held as a virtual event on Tuesday, April 1.  More details will be forthcoming, or else contact GME Research Manager Heidi Kenaga or the President of the Resident Council Allene Fonseca Katz.