Program Director resources

GME is dedicated to assisting our Program Directors and program leadership in improving residency training. The documents, resources, and tools detailed below should be helpful in establishing and developing policies and procedures.

This archive contains the fitness-to-work policies followed by our clinical learning sites in the Detroit metropolitan area.


At a recent SEMCME event, Leadership in GME, this article was cited by keynote speaker Ingrid Philibert as the best, most complete guide to enhancing your CCC:

Goldhamer et al, "Reimagining the Clinical Competency Committee to enhance education and prepare for competency-basedtime-variable advancement," J Gen Intern Med 37(9):2280–90.


In Arizona State University's Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, the Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research offers an online short course on Interprofessional Training in Empathy, Affect and Mindfulness.

This course will educate individuals and teams in core concepts of patient-centered, team-based healthcare delivery, and provides training opportunities to enhance interpersonal and interprofessional communication and connectivity. Get ready to strengthen your empathy and humility muscles, cultivate heightened self- and other-awareness, and build emotional attunement.

There is a modest fee. For more info: